Raw Black Sapote Cheezcake

Raw Black Sapote Cheezcake

Let’s make the base!

In a food processor, add:

½ cup of walnuts

1/8 cup of coconut flakes

2 Dates

1/8 TSP of sea salt

½ TSP of clove

Blend until you get a crumbly, sticky texture!

Then gently press down in a small springform cake pan.


Next Up:

In a high-speed blender:

Grab 2 ripe black sapotes
2/3 cup of hempseeds

½ cup of coconut jelly meat

4 dates

¼ TSP vanilla extract

4 ice cubes

Blend everything until rich and smooth like a thick pudding!  Pour over your base.  Freeze overnight and top with berries or whatever you like!

Inspired by @theelectriceats


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