Not quite the Rubber band WOman…
But wild as wild rice! Shout out to TI! Anywhoo...
Commendations and Salutations Peeps!
Allow me to reintroduce myself! Like many of you, I faced a series of health challenges that left me feeling misunderstood and unheard by medical professionals. Despite being told that “you’re fine!”, I knew deep down that something wasn't right. Determined to take control of my well-being, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. It all began with a simple shift in my LIVEit (not DIEt) inspired by Dr. Sebi. This resulted in remarkable improvements in my health and vitality. Follow me for REAL healthy, yet TASTY treats! I discovered that I can have pizzas, burgers, chicken, etc….just the Alkaline Way! Nah, like for real-for real!
Once I raised my body’s frequency by eating more LIVING foods, my body wanted more! Along my continued journey, I stumbled upon a profound realization – that what we put ON our bodies is just as important as what we IN them. Overtime…. A LONG time actually, I began to read my clothing labels, just like I did with my food labels. Lots of my clothing were made with Polyester, Nylon, and Spandex. I researched them all and we dumfounded when I discovered the many links to CANCERS, REPRODUCTIVE ISSUES, SKIN IRRITATIONS, HEART PROBLEMS, AND SOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE!!
So, what did I do? I started shopping til' I dropped! Ha! Yeah right! I was and still am a full-time PhD Student, focused on getting a better job so I can afford quality; food and clothing, housing, reliable car….all that! 7 years later….I’m still in school. #Sigh Getting blatantly treated differently than my counterparts is another story I’ll tell you about later. #keepfollowingmefasho!
So anyway, I couldn’t afford the quality I wanted for my body on top of the fact I didn’t want to start dressing like “White Jesus”,
(hence the photo)
…so I’m taking matters in my own hands and making my own ish! Inspired by this epiphany, I’m embarking on a mission to create a sustainable clothing line that not only looks good but also feels good, inside and out.
While I share my very personal journey with you, I just hope you can relate in some way! Not that I want you to have what I suffered from but, if possible, you can learn what NOT to do. Don’t get burned from the same stove I did. But if you did (or you do), let’s learn and GROW together!
No longer am I going to keep waiting to find someone that looks like me to share what they’re going through. No longer am I going to #sufferinsilence
I just pray my story of health, sustainability, and style, will remind you all that positive change starts with a single, determined step. #staytuned
Now you know betta, you do betta!