NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL CAPSULES! NO MORE EARTHY TASTING TEAS! Taking herbs via capsules is said to have a more immediate positive effect in the body as it gets to the bloodstream faster, providing a more symptomatic relief.
The human body has 11 major organ systems that work together to perform a common function…to live! This herbal cleanse provides our organ systems with what it needs to function properly as we live in a toxic world. From chemicals in foods, cosmetics, air, electro-magnetic fields (cellular phones, laptops, Bluetooth…anything, etc.), we suggest completing a full-body, intra-cellular cleanse one to two times per calendar year. However, if you are temporarily suffering from any dis-eases, it may be recommended to do this cleanse multiple times per calendar year.
Not actual picture. These packages are specifically designed for each individual. You can expect packages to be received in hand 7-14 (or sooner) business days from date of purchase.
BY PURCHASING THIS PRODUCT, you acknowledge that the All Things Alkaline group are, not medical doctors. We provide herbs that may improve conditions as well improve the Systems of the body by supporting normal function and structure of the body. Please consult your physician if you suspect any dis-ease.
We do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or claim to prevent or cure any human diseases. Treat this experience as an educational tool. It enables you to better understand, assess, and choose the best course of treatment when a health problem arises and how to prevent health problems from developing.
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