Benefits of Reishi Tea

January 08, 2023

Reishi is a type of medicinal mushroom that cleanses dis-ease from the blood.
The proteins from reishi (yes, the best type of protein come from plants), but umm, yeah, reishi contain all the essential amino acids and are especially rich in lysine and leucine. Lysine cleanses MANY viruses from the body.  Want to know which ones specifically?  For starters, please read the #unbiased #peerreviewed #research from these articles below:

Mushrooms are also traditionally used as cordyceps, which affects the behavior of the host parasite, causing it to exit the body and rid dis-ease.  See below for these interesting findings!

When people experience colds and coughs, chronic pain, weakness/fatigue, or even erectile dysfunction, tumor growths, the "itises" - arthritis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, etc., it's usually from the growth of multiple parasites.  Parasites are living creatures that live off your body for food and a place to live.  Parasites are created in the body (and even ingested) from mainly animal meats and dairy, in addition to other contaminated food, water, sexual contact, etc.

Helpful Hints:
When doing your own research, you want to be sure the information isn't sponsored by any particular interested parties, organizations/corporations.  That type of research can skew numbers, leaving readers confused as to what to believe.  No worries here though as we're only interested in learning the truth. 

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